It used to be that your cable and internet connections were luxuries. But between your Game of Thrones addiction and your expectation for constant connectivity, cable and internet have been upgraded to necessities. Unfortunately, the cable companies recognize that we’re lost without HBO and hi-speed wifi, and they charge accordingly.
As much as it may seem like your cable/internet provider has you over a barrel, there are ways to reduce your monthly bill, without giving up the sweet connectivity you’ve come to rely on. Try these five tips to lower your bill:
Search for Promo Codes
By now, all frugalistas know better than to commit to an internet purchase without first finding relevant coupon or promo codes, but not many people realize that there are similar codes for internet and cable companies. These promo codes will often help current customers take advantage of new customer pricing. A simple Google search can help you find codes for your local provider.
Bundle up
Digital service companies really want your business, and the more services you purchase from a single provider, the better the deal they can often offer you. For instance, it cost virtually the same for me to get cable/internet/phone as it would for me to purchase just cable/internet. Considering the fact that I work from home and need a landline, it was a clearly a good deal for me to get all three services.
Buy your Own Router
Most internet service providers will rent you a router for $5-$10 per month, but you can purchase your own for between $25 and $50. One caveat about using your own equipment: if something goes wrong with it, you’re the one who will have to diagnose and fix the problem.
One of the benefits of the fact that cable/internet companies are all in competition for your business is that it’s fairly easy to negotiate your bill. When you call, make sure that you’ve done your homework and know what prices other providers are offering to their customers. Also, it’s important to remember that assertive doesn’t mean aggressive or rude. You’ll get farther with a pleasant attitude and reasonable expectations than you will by throwing your weight around.
Consider Downgrading
Take a good look at your cable/internet bill and figure out if there are any services you don’t use. For instance, if you know you only watch 5 channels regularly, then there’s no need for the 300-channel package plus all the premium movie channels. In addition, you might look into lowering your internet connection speed. Unless you’re consistently streaming high-definition videos, you’d likely be just as happy with a slower internet connection.
The Bottom Line
While each of these tips might only net you $5-$10 in savings per month, all together they can add up to big savings. Take the time to put each one in place this month, and you’ll start reaping the rewards.
This is a guest post from Promo Spread, where Emily Guy Birken is also a contributor.
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I just negotiated a lower internet bill with cable, but I’m seriously thinking of giving up just cable altogether. I just have so many streaming options now. But yeah they always seem willing to negotiate.