Getting Out of Debt

The only place where an increase in spending can be called debt reduction is Washington. Don’t think this is the cliché saying “you have to spend money to make money.” You need to make changes. Whether your debt is from frivolous spending when you were younger, business deals that went sour, a project that bit…


What The US Credit Rating Downgrade Means for You

Standard and Poor recently downgraded the United States’ AAA credit rating to AA+. Much of the political debates recently have been on what a disaster it would be if the United States got downgraded. Republicans were trying to make large cuts to the government’s spending while the Democrats wanted to increase taxes. The downgrade happened…

How Much Are You Worth?

Most of us have probably been sitting across from a potential employer when they ask us how much we expect to earn. When you are young and just starting your professional career, you might give vague answers like “I’m not concerned with how much I can make. I’m just trying to get my foot in…


Salesmen are Sneaky

Commissions make some salesmen do dirty things. Their goal is to increase their income through sales commissions. Big corporations have entire departments dedicated to researching and discovering how to psychologically entice you to purchase their product or service. Salesmen are well equipped with an arsenal of techniques that prey on your emotions and desires. Knowledge…