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Christmas Gifts for Mom – Homemade vs. Store Bought

The question looms every Christmas.  You debate whether or not you should buy gifts for your loved ones, or use one of your many talents to create something that they will enjoy.  If you are reading this article, you obviously come from a frugal mindset.  It is tempting to handcraft a gift for someone in…

Battle of the Robo-Advisors: Acorns vs Betterment

Acorns vs Betterment Robo-advisors are rapidly gaining popularity.  Their no-nonsense form of investing, combined with appealing low advisor fees, is bringing in dollars rapidly.  But often people are wondering which robo-advisor platform is the best?  Which one will suit my needs?  While everyone has different needs, we can take a look at the biggest, and…

Automated Investing With The Best Robo-Advisors

Finding the Best Robo-Advisors For Your Money Recent predictions say that Social Security will run out of money around the year 2034.  You can argue about the actual date all you want. However, it does confirm one thing: we all need to be investing and saving for retirement. If or when the program doesn’t have anything left…