How Will Brexit Impact on the Hospitality Sector?

While Brexit has impacted the British economy and financial markets in numerous ways, most economists have chartered it through the fluctuating value of the pound. After months of sustained devaluation and ever-decreasing trading ranges, the currency is set for further decline and poised to fall lower against both the U.S. Dollar (USD) and the Euro…

The Four Golden Rules of Improving Your Currency Pair Game

Dealing in trillions on a daily basis, the Foreign Exchange Market, or Forex, has been attracting eager traders for decades now. The never-ending gold rush has handsomely rewarded some, kept most of the others in a middle ground in terms of gains and losses, and ruined the rest. In essence, Forex trading is made up…

Here Could Be Why Market Uncertainty Remains Low Under President Trump

In the buildup to the 2016 U.S. Presidential elections, Wall Street analysts made it very clear that a Trump presidency could be bad for the market. Wall Street was particularly worried about Trump’s tendency to trigger market uncertainty with unguarded speech and brash actions. However, Wall Street eventually warmed up to the idea of a…