After Holiday Online Sale Shoppers Beware: Fake Apps and Scams Are Out There

Post-Christmas sales are just around the corner and more people than ever are picking up their smartphones to get the deals. Con artists know this and are taking advantage: a wealth of online scams and fake apps have arrived on the scene to rob online shoppers of their hard-earned dollars and private information. Fake apps…

Cybersecurity Threat Predictions for 2017

In 1899, the British scientist, William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, opined that “radio has no future, heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible, [and] X-rays will prove to be a hoax.” Lord Kelvin was not the only “expert” in the past 150 years to have made predictions that were famously wide of the mark. This suggests that expert…

3 New Financial Resolutions for the New Year

Most people have pretty unremarkable financial lives. You’re probably not being crushed with debt, and you’re probably not independently wealthy. If you’re somewhere in the middle, you’ve got a decent handle on your personal finances, but you could probably stand to improve in certain ways. Here are some recommendations for improvements you could make in…