Controlling Multiple Branches with Constant Communication

The entrepreneurial mindset has never been greater in society. More people realize they can get ahead of the game if they just put the time and effort into creating something they are passionate about. When you combine a quality good or service you have success, but the problem many small and even large businesses face…


How to Build a Savings Plan into Your Budget

Most Americans aren’t saving enough for retirement, the latest data shows. Financial journalist Brian Stoffel has compared Transamerica data on what Americans of different ages actually save with Fidelity guidelines for what they should be saving, and he found that Americans start to fall behind in their 30s as living expenses mount up. At 35,…

Estate Planning for Millennial Clients is as critical as Planning for Other Generations

Various estate planning surveys have showed that there is a significant disconnect when it comes to most people’s understanding of estate planning for millennials. Out of the people that have been interviewed so far many believe that it is important to have estate plans while only a few have them. Millennials are missing out on…

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Tips for Outdoor Gear Shopping During the Holidays

If you’re a camper, hiker, or general outdoors enthusiast, you’re probably waiting patiently for winter to pass so your favorite trails and parks are accessible once more. The colder months are generally downtime for campers, but the perfect opportunity to stock up on gear is in the offseason — and the holidays make this time…


A 5-Step Plan to Sound Money Management After Graduation

You’re a college graduate, yet somewhere between COM 311 and BIO 102 there was never a class that taught you basic money management skills. Fortunately, you don’t need a whole semester to learn how to become a savings master. Follow five easy steps to slash your debt and build a respectable savings account. Step One:…