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Go Portable to Save on These Big-Ticket Household Items

Are you debating whether to go portable or permanent on your next big household purchase? If you hate the hassle of a complicated setup and hiring additional help and are looking for a bargain without compromising quality, the choice is clear: Buy the portable version. Check out these portable luxury goods that not only meet…

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The Ultimate Retirement Plan Guide Every Small Business Owner Needs

In terms of retirement plans, most large organizations choose the 401 (k) since it suits their needs perfectly. But in the case of small business owners, this might be different since they have a broader range of options to choose from. Any self-directed plan including IRAs and SEPs will be sufficient for their use. But,…


Leaving Corporate Security Behind: Are You Ready?

Once upon a time finding a cushy office job with a regular salary and great benefits was the dream. Unfortunately, that dream is quickly becoming unattainable for the vast majority of job seekers. Corporate downsizing, terrible corporate culture mechanisms, etc., have all made it incredibly difficult to find this type of job and even harder…

How Social Media Calendars Can Help Your Business

Social media can help your business garner interest from new potential clients and customers. Posting on a regular basis can be difficult, and without a schedule your Twitter, Facebook, and other social media platforms might not get the attention they deserve. Here are some tips on how to organize a social media calendar that will…