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Buying Groceries: 6 Unique Ways To Save

It’s no secret that grocery bills can get expensive, especially when you have a lot of mouths to feed. If you’re diligent about it, grocery shopping doesn’t have to break the bank, and you don’t even have to worry about coupon cutting. Check out these six other unique ways to save on groceries. Earn Points…

How Technology is Saves Money for Businesses and Individuals

If you’re financially minded, you’re probably always on the lookout for ways to save yourself and your business money. Did you ever stop to think about how technology — including the devices you are already using — can save you some serious cash? Here are a few ideas to inspire you. Electronic Invoices/Receipts Replace Expensive…

3 People That Will Make Your Startup a Success

It’s natural for humans to seek out friends and companions who are similar to them in several aspects of life. A 2012 Columbia University study of corporate executives at a social mixer found that the investment bankers flocked to other investment bankers, accountants to other accountants, etc. Entrepreneurs typically extend this phenomenon to their hiring…

Save Money With an Online University

Finding a job is becoming increasingly difficult for those of us without a college education. With almost two thirds of job openings requiring a degree of some kind, a quality education is more necessary than ever. Luckily, students also have more options than ever before. Online education is more affordable and provides students with greater flexibility…