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Three Things That Can Shake Your Finances

The way you manage your finances today has a major impact on your future.  When you’re ready to purchase a house, financial management plays a role in whether you’ll qualify for loans. Unfortunately, some people put personal finances on the back burner – which is a huge mistake. Life happens. When you least expect it,…

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6 Tips for Shopping at the Local Farmers Market

Each year I get excited for May to roll around. The temperatures start to warm up, people start to come outside after a long winter and the farmers market is underway. For my wife and I, a Saturday (and sometimes Sunday) morning stroll through the farmers market not only allows us to pick out some…


When Has Your Hobby Become a Small Business?

You’ve been writing poetry for years and decide it’s time to share your passion with the world. With a small investment, you are able to create an attractive and unusual book and publish it on the Internet. To your surprise, the book starts selling, and you are regularly making a modest amount of royalties every…