Will Ethereum Stay Below $500?

While Bitcoin, launched a decade ago, was the world’s first cryptocurrency, the Ethereum system is now expanding the boundaries of blockchain technology by supporting smart contracts between its users. These contracts allow two parties to set predetermined conditions and define automatically triggered outcomes if and when those conditions are met. Smart contracts are now being…

7 Ways to Increase Your Chances of Successful Penny Stock Trading

As with any other types of stock trading, penny stock trading comes with a certain degree of risk. By using smart strategies, you can minimize the risk and increase your chances of success with penny stocks. Some of the recommended approaches are simple and easy to implement. As you become proficient, start applying more advanced…

4 Ideas for Making Money Online Without Much Effort

Making money online used to be associated with scams such as Nigerian emails requesting funds which would return you millions, not to mention get-rich quick schemes. Now it’s possible to earn real money online by selling your services, items, or even your knowledge. The best part is that you don’t have to worry about a…


Moving on A Budget – Life-Saving Tips and Tricks

Moving can be a nightmare unless you’re into minimalism, but a tight budget doesn’t necessarily mean it’s impossible. So, how do you move a bunch of stuff to your new home without losing your sanity? While many expenses are unavoidable, there are plenty of ways to keep costs down by planning ahead, comparing prices, and…

5 Aspects of Theft Coverage That You Need to Check with Your Auto Insurance

You may have often wondered how confusing the insurance policies are. Does your policy cover any instance of theft and your possessions alongside your car? Every driver’s policy can vary when it comes to theft, but there are a few factors that are applicable to all policyholder. Consider the following aspects of auto insurance when…