Penny Pinchin MomBeing a blogger I have had the opportunity to meet a lot of amazing people.  People that I can honestly call my friends.  One of them is Tracie Fobes who runs

Some of you might not be aware of this, but I also run a coupon and deals website called  Because of that website I got the chance to start working with Tracie a few years ago.  She is one of the nicest people you will have a chance to meet and if you make it to #FinCon14 you need to make sure you stop her and say hi.

To kick off my new blogger interview series I asked Tracie if she would be nice enough to answer of a few questions about not only blogging, but also the journey that her and her family had in getting out of debt.

Sean: You started in 2009. Was there one blog that you really looked up to as you got your feet wet in blogging?

Tracie: I did read a few and admired the way that Money Saving Mom and Deal Seeking Mom had set up their websites and interacted with their readers.

Sean: Now that you have been a blogger for almost five years what can you look back on and say, “I wish I had done this different”?

Tracie: Honestly, no, I don’t. Believe me, I made my fair share of mistakes (and even do so to this day), but those mistakes have helped my site become what it is. If I hadn’t done all of that, I would have gained the knowledge I now have nor feel as confident in my business as do now.

Sean: You are very open about the debt that your family overcame. What is the best advice that you can give others who are struggling with the same kind of debt?

Tracie: Take it one day at a time. You didn’t get into debt overnight, so you can’t expect it to go away quickly. If you are determined enough to do it, you can. It may seem overwhelming now, but you can do it – as long as you are determined, dedicated and don’t give up.

Sean: When you sit back and think about all that you are doing for your readers what is the one thing that you want to be remembered for?

Tracie: That I do this first and foremost to help them. When I hear of readers who are able to feed their families or overcome financial hurdles it truly reminds me as to why I do this each and every day.

Sean: A lot of people who have never couponed before can be intimidated. What advice can you give my readers to help them overcome their fear of approaching the checkout line with a handful of coupons?

Tracie: I tell new readers to start small and remember that if you save even $1 on your first purchase with coupons, that is $1 saved! Not everyone will shop in the same way, so don’t compare your savings to anyone else.

Sean: Anything new on the horizon for Penny Pinchin Mom that we should get excited for?

Tracie: We are always looking at ways to help our readers. This year, we are bringing back our popular Getting out of Debt series where, each week, I will share the tips and steps my husband and I followed to get out of debt. We break it down so that anyone can do it at their own pace. Our goal is to help as many as we can get started on the path to financial independence.

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