
Student Loan Debt is Rising; Wipe it Out Faster

Refinancing Your Loans Will Help It’s no secret that student loan debt is on the rise. Current statistics show that graduates from the class of 2017 owe, on average, $39,400. That’s roughly triple the average from 1990. While there are a variety of different factors that go into the rise in costs, one thing remains…


4 Costly Student Loan Refinancing Myths

You may get pulled in several directions when you start considering student loan refinancing options. Many people who give advice are well-intentioned, but others can be misinformed. Following advice blindly may cost you a pretty penny over the life of your loans. Refinancing can benefit you by reducing your monthly payment, lowering your interest rate,…


How to Deal with Unexpected Expenses

Despite our best intentions to be responsible adults with a budget, there is one thing we are never immune to: unexpected expenses. We’ve all been there. You get into a car accident. You get a mysterious illness that puts you in the hospital. A family member passes away unexpectedly. Unexpected expenses can bring a lot…