
The Role of Structured Settlements Brokers – What Do They Do?

A structured settlement is a kind of annuity or a fixed sum of money decided to be paid to someone every year, possibly for the rest of his life or could also be arranged in monthly installments along with the annual arrangement. They are awarded as a compensation for personal injuries or legal settlements. Also…

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Balance Transfer Now, or Forever Overpay on Debt?

It’s no secret that we as consumers have a bit of a debt problem.  Not only did widespread over-leveraging help intensify the Great Recession, but we also racked up roughly $82.5 billion in new credit card debt during 2011 and 2012 and are on pace to add another $41.2 billion to our tab this year,…

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Three Things That Can Shake Your Finances

The way you manage your finances today has a major impact on your future.  When you’re ready to purchase a house, financial management plays a role in whether you’ll qualify for loans. Unfortunately, some people put personal finances on the back burner – which is a huge mistake. Life happens. When you least expect it,…


Student Loan Debt Causes Problems for Students and Their Parents

Each time another stimulus, or quantitative easing, has been proposed, there are quite a few people that say that instead of tax rebates, or other incentives, the money should go toward wiping out student loan debt.  In fact, since 2008 there has been an estimated $2.5 trillion pumped into the economy through the various stimulus…


Understand the Risk of Short-Term Loans

Getting any sort of loan will always include some risk. To help understand the risk of short-term loans, we are joined by Elaine McPartland from ConsolidatedCredit.org who shed some light on the subject. Short-term loans can sound like a great idea when you’re short on cash. You have an emergency, you need cash and there’s…