
Diamond Guide: How To Buy a Diamond – Top 10 Tips to Help Save Money

Spring time means much more than just warm weather and BBQ’s, it also means weddings and engagements.  Being a guy let me tell you that this can be a very stressful time.  My wife and I have now been married almost five years and I can still remember the day that I went to find…


How to Save Money on Your Electric Bill – Using Programmable Thermostats

One of the primary goals of One Smart Dollar is to help every reader to build their net worth.  But net worth grows much slower when money is spent unnecessarily.  One way to slow the money going out is to make sure you are saving as much on your utility bills as possible.  It is…


Compare Prescription Drug Prices from Your Mobile Phone with LowestMed

Were you aware that prescription drug prices can fluctuate not only with the city that you live in but also the pharmacy that you shop at? Today marked the launch of a new mobile app, LowestMed, that is geared to help you find the cheapest prescription prices in your city. LowestMed has the first app…


Are You Suffering From Compulsive Shopping Syndrome?

There are many addictions that are openly discussed about, ranging from drugs, gambling, alcohol, food, to even sex! But have you ever thought about your necessary urge to shop? Yes, talk about compulsive shopping and people often laugh it away. This is actually the biggest hurdle why people are never unable to find a cure…