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Why Stay-at-Home Spouses Need Life Insurance

When one parent decides to stay home with the children, families will often have to do quite a bit of belt-tightening in order to make the transition to one income. One place where it may seem smart to economize is on life insurance for the stay-at-home spouse. After all, without an income to replace, why…

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Is Disability Insurance Right for You?

Before they turn 65, 30% of people currently in their 20’s will become disabled.  Those odds show that the chances of becoming disabled are actually pretty high.  It is a wonder that disability insurance is not more widely accepted.  But unfortunately, many people skip out and getting covered.  Most of the time they feel that…

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Who Needs Umbrella Insurance?

Unlike health and auto insurance, umbrella insurance may not seem like a necessary expense. But the fact of the matter is that umbrella insurance can protect both your assets and your future earnings in the event of a lawsuit. Here is what you need to know this under-utilized insurance: What Is Umbrella Insurance? This insurance…