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Understanding Your Car Insurance Bill

Anyone who has ever had to pay a car insurance bill before (which should be every single driver out there) can fully understand just how much car insurance can cost. However, if you’ve always been less than pleased with what you’re paying for car insurance, have you ever stopped to actually inspect the bill? All…


Are Energy-Efficient Home Upgrades Affordable?

Green homes are not just a trend anymore – energy-efficient upgrades are a great way for current homeowners to invest in their properties and save on utility costs simultaneously. Although green living is responsible, it comes at a price. However, many of these costs can be subsidized through government programs and energy expenditure cuts. Deciding…

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Go Portable to Save on These Big-Ticket Household Items

Are you debating whether to go portable or permanent on your next big household purchase? If you hate the hassle of a complicated setup and hiring additional help and are looking for a bargain without compromising quality, the choice is clear: Buy the portable version. Check out these portable luxury goods that not only meet…

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Improve Your Credit Before Buying a House

According to Realtor.com, payment history accounts for 35 percent of your credit report score, followed by the amount you owe, the length of your credit history, new credit, and the different types of credit you hold. Your credit score is the key to getting a stable loan with the best interest rate possible. Fortunately, there…