
How Refinancing and Consolidating Your Student Loans Can Make Your Repayment Easier and Cheaper

If you were lucky enough to get into college and stayed on the straight and narrow and graduated with your chosen degree, then you probably only owe about $30,000 or $40,000 in debt. Now, if you chose to switch degree paths or you moved to a different school, then you likely have more like $50,000…


7 Ways To Put a Few Extra $20’s in Your Wallet

Wouldn’t it be great to open your wallet and find a few extra twenties in there? Turns out it’s surprisingly easy to manage, and you can do it by improving your life instead of making huge sacrifices. Here are eight things you can do today to ensure your greenery sticks around. Put a few extra…


How to Afford the City Lifestyle as a Millennial

Many young, working professionals are choosing to work and live downtown in cities, rather than the suburbs. But living in a city is expensive, and as rent prices and job competition continue to rise, sticking to a budget and frugal living are the key to thriving in this preferred lifestyle. Create a Budget Creating a…