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Go Minimalist & Declutter Your Life

As we age, we naturally acquire personal mementos and material possessions that clutter or consume our lives. If you’re ready to eliminate this chaos in your home and throughout your life, going minimalist is for you. The idea of minimizing your material possessions and expenses stems from being able to survive off the bare essentials….

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Dress for Success – What to Wear to a Job Interview

Job interviews can be very stressful, especially if this is your very first interview after graduating college or perhaps you’re changing careers or have been unemployed for a while. Today’s job market is super competitive with upwards of 250 resumes received for a single corporate job opening. According to an ERE report, of those 250…

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5 High School Graduation Gifts That Make Sense

In the next few weeks, millions of high school students across the country will be graduating. Of these students, 65% of them will enroll in college (whether they finish or not is another story). Graduating from high school, and subsequently moving out of their parents’ house, is a huge step, one that should be acknowledged…