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Home Office Organization Ideas That Will Boost Productivity

It happens to all of us.  We get the idea in our head that we are going to get some work done.  We are excited and ready to go, but then we get into our office and everything just isn’t right.  Our workplace is cluttered, we can’t find anything, and we end up spending most…

Married? When You Should File Taxes Separately and Jointly

Most married couples file their taxes jointly as a matter of course. But there are some instances when filing separately is actually the better choice for a married couple. Just in time for tax season, here’s what you need to know to determine when filing jointly and separately makes the most sense: The Perks of…


The Role of Structured Settlements Brokers – What Do They Do?

A structured settlement is a kind of annuity or a fixed sum of money decided to be paid to someone every year, possibly for the rest of his life or could also be arranged in monthly installments along with the annual arrangement. They are awarded as a compensation for personal injuries or legal settlements. Also…