3 Rights Renters Should Know to Maintain Privacy and Recoup Costs

Renters assume they are subject to every statute that property owners set forth because units are privately-owned. However, state mandates require landlords to be respectful of tenants and their needs. Rent installments are designed to cover all living costs – including a sense of general wellbeing– and landlords should consider the comfort of the tenant…

Real Estate “Crowdlending” – A Better Way For Property Loans

Credit markets are continually evolving.  The peer-to-peer lending businesses like LendingClub and Prosper, which sprang up to better service certain consumer credit markets, showed that profitable financial sub-markets (like credit card re-finance) still exist. Real estate credit markets offer a familiar appeal to individuals whose house is often their largest single asset.  Even when mortgages…

Why Review HOA Documents Prior to Purchase?

When purchasing a property within a homeowners association (HOA), home buyers have the option of buying and reviewing the relevant HOA documents for $400 to $1,000. After calculating the costs of homeownership — including down payments, future mortgage payments, insurance, taxes and other home-related costs — buyers sometimes decline to purchase the HOA documents to…

Reasons for Refinancing a Home in 2014

A home is one of the most significant purchases that anyone can make during their lives. Potential homeowners may borrow from private lenders, local banks, or online financial institutions to finance their home purchase. Mortgages are serious, long term commitments for borrowers, which can last over periods of 15 to 30 years. Using a loan to…

Selling a Home During the Holidays: Tips for the Motivated Seller

Bake cookies, wrap presents and sell a house. As part of your holiday to-do list, selling a house looks out of place, but real estate inventory is traditionally low during the holidays. This gives the motivated seller an advantage that they simply can’t match during any other time of the year. Online Shopping Between visiting…