Sensitive Things to Consider Before Investing in Video Collaboration System

In the digital era of online communication, businesses large and small are turning to video conferencing as a means of communication, not just with customers but within the company itself. But investing in any new system or installation can be a huge headache, and video conferencing in particular has a reputation for being a minefield…

How Paid Video Conferencing Is Beneficial

We all know how video conferencing affects large corporate entities. Companies such as Blue Jeans have now expanded their technological capabilities to make even more affordable mobile and desktop conferencing solutions available to small businesses. This might not seem like a major advancement to you if you’re not a small or medium enterprise owner. But…

3 People That Will Make Your Startup a Success

It’s natural for humans to seek out friends and companions who are similar to them in several aspects of life. A 2012 Columbia University study of corporate executives at a social mixer found that the investment bankers flocked to other investment bankers, accountants to other accountants, etc. Entrepreneurs typically extend this phenomenon to their hiring…