So this week I finally got out on the mountain and got in a little snowboarding.  I got a half day in on Tuesday and then went up for a few hours this morning.  For how little snow have had this winter the conditions were pretty good.

Tonight we had a local Denver #FinCon13 meetup, so it was good to get together with some of the other local bloggers for awhile.  It’s not even 2013 yet and I am already looking forward to the next Financial Blogging Conference.

I wanted to make a quick mention that you need to head over to Ready for Zero and check out their two new resources available.  The first is Career tips and they have featured our article on how to answer the top 10 most common interview questions.  The second new section is Relationships and Money where they have featured our article how to talk about money with your partner.

My Favorite Articles This Week

Buying a House at 20 – How I Did It – Making Sense of Cents

What Will the Fiscal Cliff Mean to Health Care – Eyes on the Dollar

Winter Vehicle Maintenance: Saving you Money in the Long Run – Canadian Budget Binder

My Plan for Early Retirement – Outlier Model

A Frugal Persons View on Holiday Tipping – Frugal Rules

Responsible Holiday Party Hosting – Finance Fox

Increasing Insurance Deductible to Save Money – Debt Roundup

Making a House a Home – Club Thrifty

Paying for Self Employment Tax Year Round – Modest Money

How Do You View Your Money – Work Save Live

The Fiscal Cliff and Your Paycheck – The Family Finances

What Does $1 Mean to You? – I Heart Budgets

Should I Pay off My Mortgage Early or Look for a Better Return? – My Money Design

Are Your Finances and Amazing Race? – Money Master Mom

What to Include in Your Net Worth? – Planting Our Pennies

10 Ways to Save Money by Buying Alternatives – Money Smart Guides

Can Cheap Labor Make Your Lazy? – Reach Financial Independence


Carnival of Money Pros

Nerdy Finance

Carnival of Financial Camaraderie

Festival of Frugality

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  1. Thanks for the mention Sean! Glad you were able to get in some snowboarding this week. We had another dusting yesterday, but really nothing to speak of at all.

  2. Thanks for including my post Sean! Hope you enjoyed your meetup. We’re headed to Vegas at the beginning of January for Blog World, and some forward thinking people set up a meeting up for PF bloggers attending. We’re looking forward to it.

  3. Congrats on getting mentioned by ReadyforZero a few times! I hope you enjoyed the snow and boarding! It would be so nice to get away for the day and do that…

    I need to start planning now for FinCon! I know it’s a long ways out but if I don’t start budgeting for it now then I’m not sure I’ll be able to go again!

  4. I’ve been skiing all of once and I was pretty bad! Didn’t even get off the bunny slopes. Now I live in Florida and skiing is pretty far away… I don’t see me getting better any time soon.

    Glad you’re enjoying the snow though!

  5. Thanks so much for mentioning our new resource centers :). And it must be nice to live in a place where you can go snowboarding often! I’m too much of a chicken to ever try it, but it does look like a lot of fun!

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