One of the greatest aspects about the personal finance community is that most of us bring a unique voice and personal experience to our blogs. Some of us have an educational background in finance or economics. Others have real life experience, like overcoming a mountain of debt. Not a day goes by in which I don’t learn something new.
We are also an extremely tight knit community of bloggers. We have come together to support different causes such as the debt movement. Thanks to Philip Taylor we have Fincon where we can come together, network and learn from each other.
The year of 2012 has come and gone, but myself, along with Ready for Zero would like to recognize bloggers who truly helped make a difference in peoples lives. We want to acknowledge those who helped their readers pay down their debt, save for retirement and invest more wisely. Through January 31, 2013 we will be taking nominations for the top personal finance blogs of 2012.
Once the nomination process is over, the fun will begin. Each nominee will turn to their readers to accumulate as many votes as possible. At the end of the voting, the top three blogs will be rewarded with the following prizes:
1st Place = iPad Mini
2nd Place = $100 Cash
3rd Place = $50 Cash
We’re not finished yet. The winning blog will also have the chance to host a giveaway where we will give one of their readers a $100 cash prize to help them pay down debt or add to their savings.
To get started all you need to do is fill out the form below to nominate yourself or one of your fellow bloggers.
[contact-form-7 id=”2731″ title=”Top PF Blogs”]
Amazing project, thanks for putting it together!
Thanks Pauline
Very cool – great idea =)
Very cool idea!
What an awesome idea, Sean! Thanks for putting this together; I’m sure there is a worthy blogger that will get that awesome iPad!!
Awesome idea I look forward to it!
Great idea Sean!
Too cool, Sean. Are we only allowed to select one blogger for the drawings? All ready I can think of three that I would love to nominate for this.
You can nominate all three…plus yourself 🙂
Very cool idea. Just nominated Club Thrifty and Frugal Rules. To blogs started in 2012 and I really admire their quick success.
Awsome IDEA forsure! 😀